
Real Girl Power

(My turn for a vid!) Forget the Spice Girls - who in their short stint didn't really do much good for image and empowering women~ all I can remember as a little 2nd grader at a birthday party is Posh hiking up her skirt in Spice World. I agree that beautiful is better than trashy. No need to ride that line.

Instead, take a look at this video for Plastiscines, an all-female rock band.
Full of color and pretty young French girls, plus an infectious little beat.

Suuuure, they may be just bored rich girls, without the true rocker edge, but they're lookin' good doing it. I'm digging the fun makeup and how very pulled together their looks are. Don't be fooled; they're not demure little things. These girlies have presence.

And hey, seriously, check out those girlies' rockin' boots (particularly the drummer's jewel-studded purple boots). Want. -- Am I right?

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