
Women in Society

I just happened to come upon this movie called Kiss & Tail:The Hollywood Jump-off.
It is a documentary about "groupies" focusing on Karrine 'Superhead' Steffans--- with commentary from groupies of Led Zeppelin to JaRule. Although, this is not a topic that we usually cover on HOSTAGE I had to share what I had stumbled upon! It's almost a shame to see how some of the women view themselves --- I was especially flabbergasted with some of the comments made from Modest Jones (in part one).

Part One:

zSHARE video - Kiss and Tail The Hollywood Jumpoff _2009__1.flv
The second part of the film is really intense.
It shows how vindictive and manipulative Karrine is.
Part Two:

zSHARE video - Kiss and Tail The Hollywood Jumpoff _2009__2.flv

The videos are worth the watch --- although you
may become annoyed trying to get through all the street lingo.

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