
And the Ignorance Continues...

If you decide to wear a shirt like this:

Then you have definitely go to be prepared for the backlash! Some racist asshole decided to wear this shirt and ended up getting jumped by four black girls!!!! hahahahaha
She couldn't have thought she would be safe walking the street with that on could she?
The woman ran away from them and called the “Apollo Braun” store where she had purchased her t-shirt to complain about the attack and demanded a refund for the t-shirt, which cost her $69[ personally, I wouldn't buy a shirt for $69 that clearly looks like it took 5 minutes and a couple cents to make.. don't front, u know it looks cheap!]. The owner stated that he doesn’t give refunds because it is against his store policy and that no one forced her to buy the shirt.

Yes, the shirt is offensive and clearly racist but only an idiot would think to wear it without the thought that they wouldn’t get beat down while walking around NYC.
Does this article make you angry? Are you shocked by the racism and foolishness that is occurring in NYC by people who aren't wearing a navy uniform?
Hopefully you are... but not to fear! You can call the shop owner/shirt designer and the dumbass who wore the shirt!
[numbers courtesy of fashionindie]
I’d strongly suggest calling both between the hours of 1:00 AM - 6:00 AM.
To speak with Nathanaeli Nassimi [the dumbass]about the incident, you can reach her at phone number: 516-220-7024.To speak with Doron Braunshtein aka Apollo Braun [the owner], you can reach him at phone number: 212-726-8075.
have fun!

1 screams:

Anonymous said...

i wish i was one of them girls who opened a can of whoop ass! lol
she played herself walked around like that... she knew the beat down was coming, it was just a matter of when she should have expected it!

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